Last week was SO busy, I didn't even have time to post. There are a lot of changes coming up in the next few months so we are pretty busy here at
Zuneta HQ.
We are a year old next month and to celebrate, we are going to be relaunching the site with lots of exciting new features that should make the whole
Zuneta experience even easier and more fun. The new site will be a lot more interactive, so you'll be encouraged to add your product reviews and comments on our magazine content etc.
We also have our shoot with the winners of our Model Search coming up.
But first, we have to choose our winners! Last week I spent some time at FM Agency, going through all the entrants and seeing who is the most popular with the public and who we think could have a good career as a model. We've had some fantastic entries and I think there are a few girls that could have a great career ahead of them.
As we only have 12 days to go, I thought I'd share some of my favourite entries for each category so far.
Group A: The Redheads
I am looking for a girl that really encompasses the beauty of a natural redhead. Someone with pale skin, freckles and a beautiful tone to her hair. Here are a few of the girls that have caught my eye:

Group B: The Blondes
Blonde girls can be very difficult to cast, believe it or not! I always look for girls that have a beautiful, symmetric face and a quirky look about them. These are some of the girls that I thought were quite interesting:
Group C: The Fair to Medium Brunettes
Group C and E are the most popular categories, and we have had some great entris into both. Group C is my more delicate, English Rose type look:

Group D- Fair to Medium Asian
We need more entries in this group please ladies!!! 
Group E: Medium to Tan Brunette
This category probably houses the toughest competition. Some fantastic entries!

Group G: Tan to Dark
Some seriously trendy young ladies in this category!

Make sure you vote for the girl you want to see representing you as there are only 12 days to go!
these entrys all look awesome! Good luck girls